Project Finance by ASN Bank

ASN Bank provides finance to projects that contribute to a sustainable society. Read more about the projects and sectors we finance.

Contact usRead our finance criteria

Our mission

For over 60 years it is our mission to foster environmental and social sustainability. With the money that our customers entrust to us, we invest in contributing to sustainable development. We strive to contribute in creating a world that is safe and healthy for people to live in, and in which the environment and ecosystems are respected. For now and in the future. This complies with the United Nations' definition of sustainability:

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

How we practice sustainable banking

In accordance with this mission, we finance projects that contribute to a sustainable society. Many of these projects help to combat climate change: generating renewable energy or conserving energy.

Would you like to know more about the history of ASN Bank and its sustainability policy?
Read more about our sustainable mission here

International project finance criteria

  • Wind energy projects: on-, near- and offshore.
  • Solar energy projects: fieldmounted and rooftop.
  • Construction phase and operational phase.
  • Countries: Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Finland and Iceland (if and when EUR denominated).
  • In a club deal or consortium with (international) banks with a local presence.
  • Primary and secondary syndicated loans market.
  • Term Loans and Debt Service Reserve Facilities.
  • Buy-and-hold strategy.

Wind turbines Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm,
off the coast of the Guerande peninsula in western France

Contact our Finance Specialists

Are you interested in exploring the options for project finance? Our staff at the Sustainable Finance department will be happy to talk to you.

Marc Brito: +31 (0)6 51 21 45 45
